Monday, September 10, 2012

MUST READ : Stupid Things Women Complain About

#1. Being Fat

As human beings, we're all guilty of complaining every now and again. Men have their own list of idiotic complaints, but for now let's focus on the dumb things women whine about!

For example, nothing in the world is more ridiculously stupid than a skinny woman complaining about being fat! Here's what it does:

It shows off how shallow you are.

It hurts the feelings of anyone around you who is a larger size.

Everyone knows you're just fishing for compliments.

If you were actually genuinely fat, you wouldn't be shouting it out to the world. Fat people prefer not to bring it up. So cut it out, lady

#The Toilet Seat

Are we not empowered women? Have we not spent hundreds of years proving to ourselves and others that we can take care of ourselves? Haven't we fought for equality and justice for all woman kind?

It's time to stop turning back the clock! If a man is able to put a toilet seat down for you, you are also capable of putting it down for yourself.

It's extremely thoughtful and polite when a man decides on his own to put the seat down as a sign of respect and courtesy. But if he doesn't, it's not worthy of World War III. Just put it down for yourself this time.

And for heaven's sake, if you fall into the toilet because the seat was up, you're a complete imbecile. Look before you leap

# Her Boyfriend

Seriously, ladies! If you spend all of your time complaining to your friends, family, and any random bum on the street who will listen about how much you hate your boyfriend, you are acting like a tool.

It's nobody's fault but your own that you're still with him! If he's really that pathetic, lazy, and inconsiderate, break up with him! Ditch the loser! Otherwise, pipe down. Nobody wants to hear it.

Note: An exception to this rule is if you are stuck in an abusive relationship and struggling to get help. That is a legitimate complaint!

# Having Nothing To Wear

Unless she's legitimately poor and only owns three outfits and they're all run through with holes and stains, chances are she has plenty of things to wear. She just doesn't feel like wearing them.

If you have tons of clothes and you are still complaining about having nothing to wear, you have two options:

Go buy some more clothes and quit whining about it!

Do some laundry, you lazy slob! There are plenty of great outfits rotting in the bottom of your laundry basket. Use them

#. Getting Hit On

Honey, if you're getting hit on, take it as a compliment and keep your mouth shut! Not everyone in the world is as gorgeous and wonderful as you. We don't all get the ego boost of hearing about our hot bod or our beautiful eyes. Enjoy it!

Accept the fact that you're one of the most beautiful women in the world, ignore the random creeper who sent you the skeevy message, and move on with your life. If you complain about this, you're not complaining; you're bragging.

In case you're wondering, bragging isn't cute.

Note: If it becomes an issue of stalking or sexual harrassment, that's an entirely different story

# Drama

Men are guilty of this one, too, but women are a bit more vocal about it. If you constantly complain about being surrounded by drama, here's a newsflash:

You are the problem.

In most cases, the people who complain about drama the most are people who like to instigate or exacerbate drama. There's a reason drama follows you wherever you go; you can't escape it because it's coming from you

#. Uncomfortable Shoes

If your shoes hurt, here are two possible routes that you can follow:

Wear more comfortable shoes.

Wear the painful ones in silence.

You bought the shoes. You chose to wear the shoes. You have no one to blame but yourself.
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