Saturday, November 17, 2012

PHOTOS : See The Man Who Says ‘NO!’ To Trousers, Only Wears Skirts Or Dresses

44-year-old Vladimir Fomin, from Kineshma, a town in Russia's Ivanovo Region, is a very peculiar man. He became somewhat of a celebrity in his country after he was expelled from the University of Mathematics for refusing to wear trousers and walking around in women's clothing. 

Vladimir certainly isn't the only man in the world who prefers skirts and dresses to trousers, but his reasons are definitely unique. He is not gay nor a transvestite, nor does he want to attract media attention. He just wants to stand up for the rights of men to wear whatever kind of clothes they like. After all, women are allowed to wear trousers, so why can't men wear dresses or skirts, why is that regarded as weird? But his fight for the rights of the stronger sex have brought him nothing but trouble. 

Despite being one of the brightest students at the Ivanovo University of Mathematics and earning a scholarship, he was expelled because of his fashion choices, he was shunned by most of his friends and relatives and even verbally abused and beaten by locals in his home town for walking around in women's clothes. 

But in spite of all these problems, Vladimir Fromin continues his fight for the right to dress any way he likes, and hopes to one day be able to walk around in his skirts without being discriminated against. And he has a wardrobe of over 30 women's garments. 

There was a time when Vladimir wore trousers. He even had a wife and children, but he says his views of men's clothing have always been the same. In an interview with Russian newspaper Chronometer , Fromin said he had always been jealous of the Scots for being able to wear kilts, and of the ancient Romans and Greeks who also didn't wear trousers, and that the 25 years in which he forced himself to wear trousers were the worst of his life……

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