Tuesday, September 4, 2012

How To Determine If Someone Is Trustworthy

Whether you're an employer who wants to
know whether you can trust an employee with a
task or someone who simply someone who
wants to confide in a friend; you'll want to
know whether you can truly trust them or not.
1. Observe their behaviour. Look at the way that
they act. How do they treat others? Are they
inconsiderate and/or rude? Are they quick to join in on
gossip? Are they quick to judge people? Do they
continuously concern themselves with what other
people are doing? There's a difference between
someone who wants to helpful and someone who's
just being nosy and wants something to gossip about
but that alone can't determine whether someone is
trustworthy or not. Someone that seems to be
involved in a lot of drama is someone that you need to
be careful about - there's a reason why they don't get
along with people very often.
2. Listen to them. Communication is important.
When they talk to you, are they most likely to talk
about other people - and if they do, are they saying
negative things about them? If this person is telling
you things about other people's private lives for the
sake of having an "interesting conversation", you
should take into consideration that this person isn't
very trustworthy. It doesn't matter whether they
mention their name or not; someone who talks about
other people's business (with strange intentions) after
they have personally been confided in is someone that
you should be wary of and you should begin to
question whether you can trust them or not. If they
feel comfortable with talking to you about their own
personal business (e.g. things that are bothering
them, asking for guidance/advice etc.), it could a sign
that they somewhat trust you, perhaps take a chance
and trust them too.
3. Reliability; can they keep promises? Everyone lets
someone down from time to time but if someone is
continuously letting you (or anyone else) down at the
most important times with little-to-no excuses, then
they aren't very reliable. Part of having trust in
someone derives from being able to have faith in
them and rely on them no matter what your situation
may be.
4. Honesty. Someone who constantly lies is probably
doing so as a result of trying to save themselves. Once
again, intentions are another thing to consider but
someone who constantly lies about themselves to
make themselves look good may have something to
hide. If they can lie about their own life, then imagine
what else they are willing to lie about. Someone who
has to lie to get themselves out of a situation isn't
trustworthy, just like someone who maliciously lies
about other people is spiteful.
5. Personality. Other things to consider are whether
they are a self-centered person or not. Self-centered
people only care about themselves and they're more
likely to let you down on more than one occasion than
anyone else. Some people make exceptions on the
very few people that they will care about but those
that never think about anyone except for themselves
is someone that has the potential to betray you if you
give them the chance to.
Don't file someone under "untrustworthy" because
they have let you down once or twice before in the
past. Learn not to hold on to the past too much
because it can have an effect on whether you can
trust people or not in the future (see 'Warnings').
Just take a chance on people. You'll never know if you
don't find out for yourself. Start off by telling them
small things, and if it gets around, then you know that
you probably can't trust them.

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

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