Sunday, August 26, 2012

Ghanaian Women Are The Most Unfaithful In The World - New Durex Survey

Sometime last year when renowned condom manufacturer, Durex released the result of its survey that put Nigerian women at the no.1 spot for most unfaithful in the world, not a few eye brows were raised as to how the data was arrived at. Now, it's theturn of our west African neighbours, Ghana to take that spot from Nigeria.
According to China press, Malaysians are ranked third in the world for being the most unfaithful partner.

According to a survey, 33 percent of Malaysian men admitted that they were unfaithful to their spouses. Thailand is first at 54 percent while South Korea came in second with 34 percent.

After Malaysia, the countries next on the list were Russia at 32 percent and Hong Kong at 29 percent.

Some 39 percent of Malaysian women also confessed to having betrayed their partners. The top two countries are Ghana at 62 percent and Thailand at 59 percent.
Russian women are the fourth most unfaithful at 33 percent while Singaporeans are fifth at 19 percent. The survey was based on interviews with 29,000 people in 36 countries.

Somebody somewhere is either messing with our head or up to some mischief. Personally, the mode of data collection is not representative enough to arrive at a definite outcome. I also noticed that the same percentage alloted to first and second positions respectively (62% and 59%) is the same as last year's which probably means that names of countries are just inter-changed. Most importantly, Nigeria did not feature on the list thistime around: did our women suddenly become "faithful" overnight or Nigeria wasn't part of the survey this time around?
- Information Nigeria

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